I work with Arvind Satyanarayan in the MIT CSAIL Visualization Group. My research focuses on improving human-AI alignment by designing systems that reveal model representations and methods to shift them toward human expectations.
Previously, I graduated with my SB and MEng in Computer Science from MIT, where I worked with Jim Glass and David Harwath in the Spoken Language Systems Group. Throughout my PhD, I have been fortunate to spend summers as a research intern at Apple with Fred Hohman and at IBM Research with Hendrik Strobelt.
I am honored to have had my research supported by the MIT John Jarve Fellowship and the Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowship.
Compress and Compare: Interactively Evaluating Efficiency and Behavior Across ML Model Compression Experiments
VIS 2024
Shared Interest: Measuring Human-AI Alignment to Identify Recurring Patterns in Model Behavior
CHI 2022
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Embedding Comparator: Visualizing Differences in Global Structure and Local Neighborhoods via Small Multiples
IUI 2022
Best Paper Honorable Mention